Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ignorance is Bliss.

I remember this quote by Cypher in The Matrix, when the agent offers him a deal to become a traitor.

Cypher: You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.

This is something I often think during my search for knowledge.

Is Ignorance Bliss? Trust me it is. but guess where the issue is. no one is truly ignorant. It is just the relative difference in the level of knowledge one has compared to others. We start gaining knowledge already by the time we are born and implicitly learn a lot of things. this implicit learning is the reason why some one should start seeking real knowledge.

so in case of people being agnostic towards god/anything, these are people like cypher who want to be agnostic for not being effected by the reality and try to stay away from trouble. what is the result? not every one is agnostic. infact most of them are religions, which is more dangerous than being agnostic. i.e., the blindly believe in dogmas, do not have real values inside, create ways to escape the sins/karma by circumventing it using various escape routes like forgiveness, pariharam(just to convince their conscience) etc. This kind of religiousness does not make one civilised or evolved. they are locked up in a time when the religion was created, makes them conservative and on top of this the basic uncivilized wild nature of humans are not removed. combine this with worldly expectations, materialistic interests and nexus between politics and religion, more dogmas are created to circumvent the core ideas and the result is mayhem. I think since people are religions, one needs to be aware of the issues created by this and seek knowledge to destroy ignorance.

For me I am an atheist(an atheist is not agnostic or anti god, but an informed decision of an individual who has realised or wants to realise what god/everthing is. Being atheistic is a good start to understand god/everything and its concepts than being devoted or religious) and I believe god is a concept and try to understand the ideas behind the concept differenciate between good ideas and bad ideas, understand real philisophy and just take the gist or the essence of the ideas and follow them in spirit, than blindly believing in god/religion and its dogmas. for others who want to be a theist, be so but with deligence, openess and seek knowledge. dont let dogmas and devotion come on the way. some one said When you meet the Buddha(or your favourite god) on the road to enlightenment, kill him. I really mean this if you understood the meaning of it.

When I say ignorance and agnostic, I am not just talking about ignorance about god alone, it is ignorance about anything and everything in everyday life which affect us as an individual and as a society and find ways to solve it. This is the real purpose of human existance(karma/gnana yoga).

This is the very catch in these theistic concepts. i.e., to make man search of the unknown and in the process improve his knowledge on so many things in this world, get a big view of things and help the development of humanity and the creation. this is exactly what every sadhu, swami, saint, mysteic and prophet has done.
and I believe when people move beyond a certain level of knowledge and get to know the unknown dimensions of this universe(the brahman/Sunyata?), they are in true bliss as they have already become ignorant of this/our world.

So du want to be ignorant? du want to be cypher?
Even I wish I was completely ignorant. but it is just not possible.
so I requote. complete Ignorance which is bliss.

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