What would be the fifth dimention like? There are various concepts and perceptions about this like the one in the movie interstellar as a space between this universe and another thru a wormhole or like sadhguru jaggi vasudev says the focusing on the innerself actually opens another dimension its not just looking inword as direction. i.e., inward is not a direction but a dimension.
Both these and some other thoghts made me get a perspecive of what the 5th dimension could be(the other 4 being 3 physical dimentions height, depth, length + time being forth all of which we can percive.). Its really hard to express the vision or perception I got but let me put it this way.
The microcosm and the macrocosm are the same. i.e., the universe is you and you are the universe. Say the universe is made up of stars and galaxies (the cosmos the macrocosm) which is made up of solarsystems and planets on which we live. we make up the planet along with everythign else in it. i.e. we are part of the earth, we are made of earth. the earth is made of stars/stardust and so are we.
we are made up at a microcosmic level of tissues, cells etc which are inturn made of atoms electrons and subatomic particles, positrons, strings, huggs boson what ever we keep discovering and keep getting deeper into the microcosm as we reasearch more. My feeling is that the microcosm is going to be made up to an infinite level just as we discover more universes and they making up even bigger entities made up of multiple universes and so on.
My simple of the 5th dimension is this. that the microcosm and macrocosm are the same. i.e., every entity in the universe is a microcosm and macrocosm of itself. it is just a view and point from which it is viewed that we perceive it as different entities.
or perhaps this is just another limitation of the human mind which simply warps when our thoughts get to extremes. I have seen this view in both theoritical physics and in metaphysics especially indian spiritual sphere. i.e. the theory of everything and bigbang and quantum mechanics say particles behave the same at macro and micro level. that the universe came from a big bang, keeps expanding until another gravity like a blackhole pulls all back into a singularity, i.e., the one uber small ultimate gravity particle which again explodes into a bigbang and so on.
In meta physics and indian spiritual thought like in nyaya visheshika etc its the same world view. that the universe goes thru infinite creation and distruction and we are part of this universe(the brahman) as an atom or element of it. i.e., the aham and tat are the same. the prabrahman and the atman are the same. like a cup of water from the sea which is still the sea.
I take this one step further in my view of the fifth dimention. if you see what I mean. i.e., the atman and the parabrahman are the same all the time. i.e., the cup is a virtual cup sunk in sea. its not separate anytime. and its just a view. the sea is the cup of water and the cup of water is the sea. the universe is always us and we are always the universe. i.e., say from a top view we are the universe, while from a side view we feel we are us. a human being. but the whole universe is within us. all the stars galaxies including. just that from this view we seem like we are in a planet in soem star while the universe seems above us.
but see from the top view and we see that universe is inside us. each atom in us is a view of the whole universe. see my perspective, see the fifth dimension? you are the universe and the universe is you. each one of us are the same universe. everything is just perspective.